2008년 10월 31일 금요일

In my Memory

At the end of the month I usually have few something in office.

Many Workers in Korea are busy in this season.

In my case there are many things to do every 15th or 16th.

Only I'm in comfort right now.

But I'm not going to afford to day- dream on November.


I've been hard times this week.

On Monday, a plenary labour union election was held in 88 stadium.

All kinds of members were focused on the meeting and I heard a lot of bad news getting nearer my organization.

Should I get a realtor of qualificatioin?

First of all It's important in good relationship with my assistant manager.

Second, I need to prepare for switch other position.

Gloomy days continue...

2008년 10월 30일 목요일

When October goes...

Whenever October comes and goes, there are songs we can touch on radio.

I listened the song, "When October goes"by Barry Manilow, three times on the way to work.

Until tonight is late, I might liston to that song two or three times.

As November comes, the song "November rain"by Gun's and Roses will be heard through the radio.

I expect to make lucky days on November.

Greeting *^^*

I think daily english communication capacity is important in workplace.

Especially I have felt my english writing was lack so that it would be upgraded gradually.

So, I plannd to blog in english.

My Korean another blog is http://blog.naver.com/yunjin74.

On this site, I'll try to make english posts.

Of course it is uncertain my resolution keeps going.

If you want to write comments, I always welcome !